Disableing Teredo et al interfaces and getting a fixed IPv6 adress in Windows

I had the need to have a fixed IPv6 address in Windows to connect to the machine via RDP. Also since I have native IPv6 I don’t need Teredo and the other junk:

Regarding to Billy Dickson this works as following:

netsh int ipv6 isatap set state disabled
netsh int ipv6 6to4 set state disabled
netsh interface teredo set state disable

Second step is to disable the randomizer for the IPv6 adresses:

netsh interface ipv6 set privacy state=disabled store=active
netsh interface ipv6 set privacy state=disabled store=persistent
netsh interface ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=disabled store=active
netsh interface ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=disabled store=persistent

Reboot the box and it will only use the EUI-64 based IPv6 Address.

[Update 2016-09-19]

If you have a Windows Server or Windows 10 with a fixed IPv6 Adress and you also want to get rid of the autoconfigured adress:

netsh int ipv6 show int # Get INTERFACE Name
netsh interface ipv6 set interface "INTERFACE" routerdiscovery=disabled
netsh interface ipv6 set interface "INTERFACE" managedaddress=disabled

Replace the “INTERFACE” with the Name of your interface!